Summer Camps

The annual 3 days Summer Camps for the sponsored children at 10 different places on theme “Child and Parent Relationship” More+


School Benefits
Professional courses
Personal benefits
Medical assistance
Family benefits


The circumstances under which students terminate their participation in ESP are the sign of success of the entire project. If the students terminate their participation in ESP mostly because they completed their studies successfully, which gives them chance to find a qualified job: then the ESP is successful. If most students terminate their participation in the project early, e.g. because they lost their motivation to study, then more attention must be paid to the motivation and education of children and their parents, and the quality of selection of suitable candidates for ESP.Rules of termination of participation in ESP

A) The rules of termination of participation in ESP define situations leading to termination of the support within ESP. The termination is either “due”, i.e. that the child/student completes school, or “early”.
B) Early termination is always the result of the following reasons:

    The child looses interest in studies.
    The child ceases to attend school for other reasons (truancy, etc.).
    The child or the family breaches the “Rules for the sponsored children and their families”.
    The child moves away from the reach of the project.
    The child begins to work and does not continue to attend school.
    The child starts a family.
    The financial situation of the family changes and the support is no longer necessary.
    The child is registered in a project of another organization.
    Other circumstances where, both the parties agree on termination of the child’s participation in the ESP.


The chosen beneficiaries have to be acquainted with the following Rules for the Sponsored Children and their Families:

i .   The sponsored child receives education from the sponsor’s money, therefore he/she must not fail to attend school or his/her school results may not deteriorate without a substantial reason.

ii .  The supported child must try to achieve better study results, as much as possible. Repeated failures caused by low study efforts are grounds to terminate the child from ESP.

iii . The sponsored child must send at least two letters a year to his/her sponsor.
Sponsored children and their parents/guardians must participate, as much as far as possible, in the programs of ASHA CHARITABLE TRUST . The family as well as the child are obliged to provide true information about the family’s situation and notify important changes in the family, such as improvement of the family’s economic standing, planned moving, etc.
ASHA Charitable TRUST may initiate transfer of the child to another school in the area.

The child and the family must observe the program rules and must be willing to occasionally voluntarily work for the program.